About Dhanam Movement

Dhanam, the initiative of Fr.Jerry Rosario, SJ (MDU) is dedicated to the promotion of human donation - donation of blood, eyes and other tissue; of organs for transplant and the whole body for medical/scientific research.

A Public Charitable Trust - the Dhanam Trust - was registered only on 9 Feb 2009 with Fr Provincial (of the Madurai Jesuit Province) as the chairperson and Fr Jerry Rosario as the Executive Director. It was officially launched as a Jesuit Ministry on Independence Day 15 Aug - that year with Fr.M. Devadoss, SJ, the then Provincial, symbolically piercing a heart - shaped balloon to inaugurate this ministry to promote human donations.

Early 1993, Fr Peter Hans Kolvenbach SJ, the then Jesuit Superior General, wrote a letter to all Major Superiors on extradinary Healthcare in which he informed that Jesuits "may draw up and carry with them a legally valid document which donates their vital organs, in case of death, to someone in need.They may be if they wish donate their body for scientific purposes after death.

Thereupon Fr Jerry carried the idea with him wherever he went. Superstitions and skepticism painstakingly overcome-person by person, camp after camp-the dint was beginning to be felt. Each day the victory belonged to the hero or heroine of the day- some one who gave blood, some one who pledged organs , some other who designed a Living Will to donate the entire body for medical research. Fr Jerry signed his own Living Will in 1995.

Why you should choose us

A Public Charitable Trust - the Dhanam Trust - was registered only on 9 Feb 2009 with Fr Provincial (of the Madurai Jesuit Province) as the chairperson and Fr Jerry Rosario as the Executive Director. It was officially launched as a Jesuit Ministry on Independence Day 15 Aug - that year with Fr.M. Devadoss, SJ, the then Provincial, symbolically piercing a heart - shaped balloon to inaugurate this ministry to promote human donations.
Blood is the very source of life that sustains every human being - defying differences of caste and religion. Again, the red of the blood - 1common to every human being - is blind to gender, religion or caste; blind to the giving of blood and the receiving of blood.
Once we found suitable donors we will let you know at the earliest.

Our History, Vision and Mission


Dhanam, the initiative of Fr.Jerry Rosario, SJ (MDU) ([email protected]), is dedicated to the promotion of human donation - donation of blood, eyes and other tissue; of organs for transplant and the whole body for medical/scientific research.

A Public Charitable Trust - the Dhanam Trust - was registered only on 9 Feb 2009 with Fr Provincial (of the Madurai Jesuit Province) as the chairperson and Fr Jerry Rosario as the Executive Director. It was officially launched as a Jesuit Ministry on Independence Day 15 Aug - that year with Fr.M. Devadoss, SJ, the then Provincial, symbolically piercing a heart - shaped balloon to inaugurate this ministry to promote human donations.

Early 1993, Fr peter Hans Kolvenbach SJ, the then Jesuit Superior General, wrote a letter to all Major Superiors on extradinary Healthcare in which he informed that Jesuits "may draw up and carry with them a legally valid document which donates their vital organs, in case of death, to someone in need.They may be if they wish donate their body for scientific purposes after death.

Thereupon Fr Jerry carried the idea with him wherever he went. Superstitions and skepticism painstakingly overcome-person by person, camp after camp-the dint was beginning to be felt. Each day the victory belonged to the hero or heroine of the day- some one who gave blood, some one who pledged organs , some other who designed a Living Will to donate the entire body for medical research. Fr Jerry signed his own Living Will in 1995.


Our vision will be udpated soon.


To promote and educate the concept and ideals of donation of Blood, Bone, Eye, Cord blood Stem cells, Skin, Organs and Body (Cadaver).

To organize Camps, seminars workshops and related activities to promote the concept of donation of Blood, Bone, Eye, Cord blood stem cells, Skin, Organs and Body (Cadaver).

To institute Prizes, Certificates and Awards.

To publish books, pamphlets, periodicals, websites and newspapers in India for the spread and advancement of the concept of donatio0n of Blood, Bone, Eye, Cord blood Stem cells, Skin, Organs and Body (Cadaver).

To provide orientation and to conduct training, seminars and workshops in order to encourage and animate the collaborators (or) collaborating units and groups in the service of donating Blood, Bone, Eye, Cord blood stem cells, Skin, Organs and Body (Cadaver).

To promote research and further studies for the advancement for the advancement of the objects of the Trust.

To collaborate with like minded groups, units and organizations for the promotion of the objects of the Trust


The Provincial of Madurai Jesuit Province shall be the Permanent trustee and Chairman of the Trust. He shall be the permanent trustee ex-officio and continue to be the Trustee as long as he continues to be the Provincial of Madurai Jesuit Province. As and when there is a change in the office of Madurai Jesuit Province, the Provincial in office shall become the Chairman of the Trust.

Fr. Jerry Rosario,SJ shall be the trustee and also the Executive Director and Treasurer of the Trust.

Chairman of the Trust is empowered to appoint, reappoint, remove any Trustee or office bearers at any point, reappoint, and remove any Trustee or office bearers at any appoint of time for proper administration of the trust.